Shepherd: Intentional action and knowledge-centred theories of control

J. Adam Carter and Joshua Shepherd: Intentional action and knowledge-centred theories of control (2023). Philosophical Studies.

Shepherd: Conscious cognitive effort in cognitive control

Joshua Shepherd: Conscious cognitive effort in cognitive control (2022). WIREs Cognitive Science.

Non-human moral status: Problems with phenomenal consciousness

Joshua Shepherd: Non-human moral status: Problems with phenomenal consciousness (2022). AJOB Neuroscience.

Human brain organoids and consciousness

Takuya NiikawaYoshiyuki HayashiJoshua Shepherd & Tsutomu Sawai: Human Brain Organoids and Consciousness (2022). Neuroethics.

Flow and the dynamics of conscious thought

Joshua Shepherd: Flow and the dynamics of conscious thought. (2022). Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.

The moral status of conscious subjects

Joshua Shepherd: The moral status of conscious subjects. (2021) Rethinking Moral Status, Stephen Clarke, Hazem Zohny and Julian Savulescu (eds.). Oxford University Press.

Shepherd: Determinism and attributions of consciousness

Joshua Shepherd and Gunnar Björnsson: Determinism and attributions of consciousness (2020). Philosophical Psychology.