Call for submissions, Barca workshop


Host: Rethinking Conscious Agency project (ERC Starting Grant 757698), University of Barcelona

Workshop: in-person, Barcelona, April 28-29

Theme:  The architecture of skilled action

Confirmed speakers

Lilian O’Brien (Helsinki)

Thor Grünbaum (Copenhagen)

Elisabeth Pacherie (Jean Nicod)

Myrto Mylopoulos (Carleton)


We welcome abstracts (up to 500 words) on a range of topics related to skilled action: control, habit, motor cognition, intention, know-how, the phenomenology of agency, perceptual guidance, etc. To help people plan, accepted submissions should be transformed into 20 minute talks. Send abstracts to – please put ‘Architecture of skilled action’ in the subject line.


Deadline: Feb. 22


Covid Note: It is possible that the evolving pandemic will necessitate the cancellation of this workshop, or a late switch to Zoom. We are predicting that this will not be the case.